Demolition Environmental Enabling Civil Engineering Plant Hire

Sustainable Demolition

- 30/10/20

In many ways, we at Rye (and the industry as a whole) have been lucky this year. This may be a blanket statement and I know that many organisations have gone through tough times and people have lost their jobs as a result of what has happened but, what I mean is that we have an opportunity to make a difference as society tries to go back to normal... whatever that is.

The construction industry has been identified as one of the key areas that will re-launch the UK and global economies and, indeed we were one of the first to get back to work as the lockdown began to ease. Construction, and with it, demolition, has been a strategic focus for the government for a long time and now we have a unique opportunity to help the country grow once more, providing jobs, homes and stability. We have the chance to turn derelict sites into modern, usable and ecologically sound developments and ensure that people and businesses are equipped with what they need to pursue their goals and dreams.

At Rye, we acknowledge of course, that this is a business opportunity but we have no intention of being a corporate giant without conscience. We want to do things the right way and make a positive difference through the way we work, not just with the end product.

Whilst we have always intended to operate in a positive fashion, considering the communities in which we work, looking after our staff and doing all we can to minimise our environmental impact, we recognise that there is always more we can do and, with this new dawn for the country, we are taking the opportunity to restate our commitment to doing things the right way.

A New Framework

Without going into the detail here, we have drawn up a framework of activities and checks to ensure we continue to operate with society in mind. With cornerstone activities that you would expect around health and safety to an increased focus on looking after our staff's mental health, ensuring that recycling and re-use practices are continually improved and the communities in which we work are well catered for and engaged with, we fully intend on leaving a positive legacy with everyone we come in to contact with.

As with any industry, ours thrives on fresh blood, diverse thinking and diverse experiences. With this in mind, we have a key focus around people; to recruit and train apprentices, to help retired service personnel use their skills in a new industry and also assist ex-offenders in their return to the world of work.

There is a long list of initiatives that we plan to pursue and, whilst they won't all be completed overnight, we are determined to make them happen, to make a difference to individuals, to our clients and to society as a whole.

The Sustainable Standard

Of course, we want to grow, but we want to grow the right way and we're really excited about putting these plans into place and building on the positive work we have carried out to date. We're open to challenge so please, next time you talk to us, ask how we are getting on and ask to see evidence of the positive difference we are making through demolition.

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ISO 14001
ISO 45001
ISO 9001
Build UK
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Construction Line Gold
CHAS Premium Plus
Considerate Contractors