- 12/03/21
Any business or industry’s biggest asset is its people and it is well accepted and proven that the most successful embrace a workforce with different backgrounds and perspectives.
At Rye, we are focused on developing a strong workforce of personnel with different skill-sets and life experiences because we know that this combination can make a huge and positive difference.
Our Sustainable Standard philosophy encompasses five key pillars of how demolition and its associated services should be executed. One of these pillars is people and, as part of our action plan in this area we are committed to adding to our workforce in four ways:
• Ex-Armed Forces
• Ex-Offenders
• Apprentices
• Local Labour
We believe that these strategies will benefit the organisation, the industry, individuals and the communities in which we work.
By focusing on these areas we believe that new skills will be brought to the industry, new opportunities created for people struggling to see the next step in their lives, new hope and ambition for young people and stronger engagement with society – a powerful, hungry and ambitious workforce that cares.
We believe that the construction and demolition industries present a fantastic opportunity and natural path of progression for many people. It may be a career that people haven’t thought about in the past, but the potential career paths are wide and varied.
At the moment we are looking to bring on board two ex-Armed Forces personnel, recognising the drive, talent, team work and leadership skills that many possess. Many skills that have become embedded through service are highly transferable and we want to create opportunities for those experiences to be utilised in a positive fashion.
Over time we hope to expand this programme, ensuring that more people from the forces and other areas mentioned above are brought on board and developed with Rye Group.
If you’d like to find out more about these opportunities please click here – Applications for these roles expire on 2 April 2021.